David Ngatuere-way
“I wanted to get into the army but I lacked the maths and English skills so I enrolled in ILN at Ignite Colleges. The course work was hard but my tutor explained everything clearly and simply, so that it was easy to understand. My tutor actually made learning fun! The course was so worthwhile – in fact I reckon I learnt more at Ignite Colleges than I did in high school.
“After doing the course I applied for the army. They said my maths and English level was great, but unfortunately they turned me down because I have severe asthma. However they suggested I apply for the police force instead. I did that, and it looks like I’ll be starting my training next month!
“I would recommend Ignite Colleges to anyone. Not only is it a nice environment, but the staff are all very good and get along really well with the students. They are not intimidating in any way; they are supportive and encouraging. They treat students as equals and really know what we need.”